Buying a Home With Mold

With housing prices at all time lows, it is definitely a buyer’s market.  Many folks are finding themselves able to purchase their dream home for a song, and in some cases it almost appears too good to be true.  Unfortunately, moving too fast may cause eager homebuyers to overlook serious problems. 

Mold inspection image

Areas to inspect in order to prevent mold

A Michigan woman reported that she and her daughter developed serious respiratory issues not long after moving into their new home last year.  Subsequent investigation revealed that the home was overrun with mold growth.

“I thought this was my dream home.  It’s a ranch style house perfect for me and my daughter,” said Kim Danielo.  “Two weeks after moving in we started having sinus headaches, sinus coughs, and we weren’t able to breathe.”

Kim finally figured out what was causing the problems when she noticed water leaking in the basement.  Pulling up the rug she discovered mold growing.  A search of the home turned up more mold.  This had either been overlooked or ignored during the purchase process.

Kim and her daughter ended up sleeping in a tent for two weeks while her brother worked to basically gut the house and do some extensive repair and reconstruction. 

Of course the most obvious mistake was that an inspection was never performed on the home prior to purchase.  Inspections may not be required but they are always highly recommended as they go a long way towards identifying mold damage problems that need to be addressed before new occupants move in. 

Mold is one of those problems that should always be addressed before moving into any home or business.  Aside from the well documented health problems that always seem to accompany mold growth, mold also has an adverse effect on the actual structure of the home.  The reason is simple; mold tends to break down the surface that it grows on, and is more than capable of causing significant damage to walls, flooring, pipes, etc.  In fact, there are instances of entire structures and even whole city blocks being condemned and torn down for no other reason than out of control mold growth.

All too often, the health hazards posed by mold are highlighted, usually getting the lion’s share of the headlines, however the destructive power of mold should never be underestimated.  By the same token, homeowners should know when to call in a professional.

While smaller growths may be successfully remediated, larger growths or major infestations should always be left to professional mold remediation companies.  They have the equipment, training, and experience required to take care of the issue correctly, the first time.  Mold is far too serious of a problem to have to deal with twice because of inferior service.

If you suspect mold problems in your home or business, call your local IICRC certified professional.  They are standing by to handle all of your water damage and mold removal needs.  All work I guaranteed, meaning you can have your life back to normal sooner rather than later.

About Dan Camara

Dan Camara is the CEO of PuroClean Home Rescue in Sacramento. We have been helping the good folks of Northern California with water damage dryouts, mold removal and fire cleanups for nearly 5 years now. Connect with me on Google+
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One Response to Buying a Home With Mold

  1. Peter Sillis says:

    Thanks for providing this information. I’m looking at buying a home and was about to go into it blind. It’s good to know what to look for now. I have severe asthma and my husband recently had surgery so any mold damage would be very bad indeed. I’ll be sure that I either call a mold inspector or at least a home inspector who knows what to look for when it comes to both water damage and mold.

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